Electronic communication - the staple in constant stream. Opportunities for real-time messaging make digital marketing communications a necessity, be it web site, social media, e-news, video, direct messaging, advertising, resource, or survey. I develop editorial and visual content for online marketing, taking advantage of the array of electronic media to find the perfect fit and distribution for all types of products and services.

Invitation For A New Hip Product
As part of the market introduction of the HipClip™, HIP Labels invites attendees of the Farwest Show, to see the plant stake in application in the New Varieties Showcase. HIP customers attending the Show received this e-blast multiple times leading up and during the premier industry event.

One Company/ Three Audiences
Liner producer, Pleasant View Gardens, sells the same products to three distinct audiences. Each has its respective need which required an e-news program that spoke the language of each buying group - brokers, growers, and retailers - while maintaining coordination of PVG’s over-arching brand message.

Website Tells Farm To Table Story Chapter And Verse
Footprints™ Edibles consumer site speaks to a new generation of gardeners with an engaging menu of how-to content including scores of videos delivered by the nursery grower expert and by celebrity chef, Jonathan Bardzik. Creating a wholesome and fresh look organized around the Farm to Garden to Table story whets the viewer’s appetite for the program’s natural goodness.